Zhenjiang Cohwabrush Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Youths pick up paintbrushes to improve homes

Jun. 28, 2016

A Muskogee woman became tearful as about a dozen teenagers painted her home Tuesday.

April Tatum, who lives on North J Street, said she and her children had come home from softball one day to find a note on her door, asking whether she would like her home painted.

“It was grey and chipped all over,” Tatum said. “I wanted to paint it; I just didn’t have the funds.”

More than 50 youths from three local churches — Muskogee Church of Christ, Timothy Baptist Church, and Boulevard Christian Church — divvied up five homes to paint this year as part of a “Paint the Town” initiative, volunteer Doug Thompson said.

Tatum was astonished to see so many teenagers painting her home.

“It’s awesome,” she said. “They’re teenagers, taking time out of their summer ... here doing this.”

Thompson said the youths selected homes whose residents may not be physically or financially able to paint. Tatum said it was a blessing to see so many youths care about the community.

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